#9 Worthington Manor
Wed July 24, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:40 pm
| $74Handicaps | Tee Times | Results
Sign Up Opens: July 14th @ 8:00 PM
Sign Up Deadline: July 16th @ Noon
View a short Sign Up Genius tutorial.
Tee Times: 10:00 AM to 12:40 PM
Cost: $74.00 + tax | includes range balls
Payment: Pay in the Pro Shop.
Tees Colors: Blue (Middle, 6525 yds.); Gold (Senior, 5817 yds.); Red (Forward, 5206 yds.)
Course Policies
- Drop areas are provided on holes #3 and #6 which will be marked. Also #12, unmarked, but at the top of the hill on a tee box type area.
- Natural grass areas over 4″ are treated as penalty areas.
- Arrive at least 20 minutes prior to your tee time.
- Mobility concerns? Please communicate with the pro shop at 301-874-5400. Cart path only may still apply.
Scorecards: Email to Denise Droneburg when you finish your round.
Contests: Closest to the Pin on all par 3’s. Long Drives on #9 and #16. Last group, pick up contest markers & email photos to Denise Droneburg.
Pace of Play: 4 hours 20 minutes. Play Ready Golf. Keep up with the group ahead. View tips on maintaining pace of play.
Cancellation Policy: You are expected to play if you are listed on the final Tee Sheet posted on nihga.org. If you cannot play for any reason, notify both the Pro Shop and the NIHGA Outing Coordinator listed below as soon as possible. You may be charged if you cancel with less than 24-hours’ advance notice. If the entire outing is canceled, your Team Captain will notify you by email as soon as the decision is made.
Rules of Play: Play in accordance with USGA and NIHGA Amended Rules.
NIHGA Outing Coordinator: Wes Russell